Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reasons Why We Pledge


Followers vs Leader
Most incoming freshmen and even sophomores are very impressionable young people. Dealing with the pressures of fitting in and developing friendships can be overwhelming at the least. Students can be plagued with unsuccessful attempts due to sub-par confidence and social coolness. In their sorrow, joining a Greek organization can seem like a beacon of light in a room of darkness, or for some a validation of the classist ego. Black Greek Organization are responsible for good works and community involvement. Their members can be an upliftment and example of civility to others through the personification of scholarship. There are many other great attributes resonating from BGLO's.

On the contrary, the social characteristic of those who grow interest for Non-Greek College Organizations/African Fraternalism typically are those who don't follow the majority. Student that have a genuine willingness for service and community. A rare selflessness likened to a piety. An individual that is less self indulgent, placing their focus outwardly on repairing the breached. I have personally found character in those that are willing to stand alone from most of their peers for a mission and a cause that is pillar in the nobility of man kind. For these students choosing an Org is much deeper than making friends or satiation of classism.

What is African Fraternalism? an ethno-cultural center
A gem shining in the sand of pseudo Greek/Ancient Egyptian philosophy. Recognizing the value and importance of ones ethic historicity and acknowledging validity. Substance, justifying an existence must be predicated upon action rooted in sound moral motive. Consistently bringing forth thought provoking and progressive programs that engage the minds of the student body. Without the benign mindless following, programs administered by Non-Greek Orgs need to be captivating on many different levels. Dedication: being totally dedicated to a relevant philosophy, creed, and mission. The mission of the organization being fulfilled through the thoughts and actions of all its members. Rights of Passage, a quality revealing, self-assuring, bond building commitment. In this new day of fraternalism you will find some of these monumental principles shamefully ignored, selling members short of the full experience. Building with a brother of Omega Psi Phi, we gazed across the "yard" look at all the org plots in front of us. i shook my head, and thinking alike he says "it wouldn't mean anything if anybody could get it".  

PLEDGING a touchy subject
The importance and need for an intense demanding pledge process facilitating the essential life lessons that are internalize with the tutelage of your big bro or sis. Being that of a physical, mental, spiritual demanding test that reveals your own self and your true potential. Being faced with obstacles that gauge your resilience strengthening the bond of those that are committed to enduring this journey with you.

The org you choose is a reflection of yourself.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Book Review: "As a Man Thinketh" written by Jame Allen

"As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thought can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking."
                                                                                       -James Allen
Written as a result of meditation this book invokes the same meditative action within the reader. The power of our thinking! This book causes the reader to spend more time in self reflective thought than time spent reading. Readers are forced to have a kind of egosyntonicity reconstruction. developing a broader perception of who we are in correlation with our consciousness is subsequent.  Recently this book has been marketed as a "key to success" manuscript deemed by today's readers that rapaciously want a (facetious) scripted secrets of success to be given to them.  This type of manuscript does not exist. The fallacy of  emotional appeal compromises our judgement.

-A compilation of thought provoked passages

"Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind"
                                                                                      -James Allen

This book highlights the principle, Quality of Thought.  People can sometimes believe something so much that no one can unravel them from that belief, not even the truth. This book does nothing of the sort.  James Allen causes the reader to take a rudimentary look at one's self, questioning our action, motives and thoughts.  Ushering you into a realm of thought seldom visited.
What you do with the discovery of your own self is up to you.