Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feminist Foolishness

"To be antifeminist is simply to accept that men and women differ and rely on each other to be different, and to view the differences as among the things constituting human life that should be reflected where appropriate in social attitudes and institutions"  -Jim Kalb

The current semi-reinovated feminist movement is claiming the minds of many of today's young black women. Bombarding their thoughts with notions of radical Independence and anti-feminism, while over looking the importance of family structure and stunting the growth of their nurturing soul. These zealously accepted feminist principles have caused drastic societal regression imputing moral turpitude in the mind of our youth. The neo-feminist movement has convoluted the interpretation of masculinity and femininity.

Its evident that today's feminist movement, perpetuating woman indigence, has become an albatross to the black family structure, obscuring the concept of a  reciprocating relationship. Women have become more intrigued by academic accolade and professional upheaval rather than promoting the nurturalism of the maternal instincts and black family structure. Any well read feminist should recognize the name Alice Walker and should also be privy to the writings of her daughter Rebecca Walker. Her opposing perspective Rebecca Walker wrote; "I meet women in their 40s who are devastated because they spent two decades working on a PhD or becoming a partner in a law firm, and they missed out on having a family. Thanks to the feminist movement, they discounted their biological clocks. They've missed the opportunity and they're bereft." Those woman submerged in feminist ideology have made themselves a pariah in societal normalcy's. Stable and functional families are necessary for a tolerable way of life, and they will not exist unless men and women each have something specific to offer that the other is entitled to rely on.

The  Neo-Femenist  movement has also taken a paramount position over religious morality claiming that the termination of life should be fully autonomomist with governance solely with the birthing woman. This disregards the Christian position on abortion, going against the claim that abortion is a sin and is the killing of a soul.

Not only weakening he family structure, feminism has had a devastating effect on our youth. confusing them with imbalance and hostility, depriving them of a stable family life. The feminist seem to want to be nurturance and autonomy in a relationship. This goes against good sense because in a patriarchal family the mother is the nurturere and the father is the symbol of authority. The roles are reinforced by the inability of the father to be the lead nurturer thus exemplifying a patriarchal family structure. The psychosis of feminist extremist has caused a  misunderstanding of the opposition imputing them with tyrannical intentions. There is nothing noxious about accepting the fact that men and woman are not the same and have different strengths, but rely on each others strength to constituting human life.  At the end of the day feminism will fail because it radically reputes the stability and productiveness ordered/structured of private life. By disordering male/female roles and childrearing. It destroys the basic human connections it putting long-term social survival in question.        


  1. Well written but can't say that I am in agreement with this one lol because I could see myself in it. Now don't get me wrong it's very well written, but I feel that women have been forced into this state. It is not so much an option .Females grow up feeling we must be strong and hold our own because no man will fully step up and do it for us like they were raised to do back in the day. Men were the head of household and held it down what ever it took to provide for their family. In today's time it's you do what you have to do to get where you want to go. Women have to have a back up plan. That's why the family sometimes takes the back seat to educationa and career.

  2. I actually agree with this Dre... I have been saying something similar to this for a while now. I do believe that women feeling that they don't "need" a man is getting out of hand (particularly when children are involved). It is widely accepted that depending on a man is a negative thing, when whether we like it or not, that is the way God intended it.

    My personal opinion is not related to those women (myself included) that are raising children alone because of a failed relationship or that fathers inability to actually step up and be the man/father that he should be. In these scenarios we as women have no other recourse but to rely on ourselves (or the government) to take care of our children and to give them the life they deserve.

    I choose to end a bad relationship and to not to rely on the government to take care of myself and my child and I will not apologize for that. But if a good man comes and wants to be a father to my child and a husband to me then by all means I will go for it and be the woman and let him be the man. But until then, I have no choice but to do it all...

    -one out of many single moms

  3. I speak on this more here:

    and here:

    I think you used the idea of feminism incorrectly here but I am not surprised because anti-feminist propaganda is REAL in these streets. Everyone should be a feminist because, at its core, feminism believes in institutionalized equality for women. Period. It speaks nothing about gender identity, sexual orientation, or family responsibility.

    I am a feminist who submits to the man as head of household because I *choose* to, not because of some oppressive patriarchal notion that I *have* to. We are no longer property to be bought and sold, bartered for our reproductive value. We have the right to make choices for our lives and the feminist movement has fought to earn and sustain these rights.

    We have to stop thinking in "either/or" and think in "both/and". Don't limit women to these archaic archetypes. Women can, and should, be whomever they choose to be and they should face no discriminatory obstacles in making those choices.

  4. @FJ, Thank you for the comment. What i have learned over time is that there is more than one working definition of feminism. The definitions seem to be sculpted based upon a groups cultural, economic, social, and political position. This difference in perspective has created a HUGE grey area to where each can omit or emphasize a particular facet. Though i will say that your definition seems to more malleable and less rigid than those expressed by others.

  5. I am a young black feminist. I have not been poisoned to disregard the family structure. I am just aware that I don't have to be someone's "baby momma" to be a woman and I do not have to be anyones wife until I am ready. Too many black women place their self definition in motherhood and being a wife. That is very small definition of what being a woman is. As far as "feminist women who wish they had had families", there are plenty of wives and mothers who would rather be career women than housewives so that is a point that can go either way. It means absolutely nothing. Every human being, male or female, has the right to decide who they would like to be and what they would like to stand for. I for one am so tired of men misunderstanding what feminism is. It is about equality and freedome of choice for ALL! That is all it means. These attitudes that suggests that young black women are "under attack" so to speak are plain silly. Black women are FINALLY learning to look after themselves instead of others! We don't want to be MAMMY anymore. DEAL WITH IT!
